Conservatives Will Work To Protect Democracy From Foreign Interference

Ottawa, ON — The Honourable Michael Chong, Conservative Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, released the following statement calling on Liberal Minister, Dominic LeBlanc, to quickly put in place safeguards that will protect Canadian democracy ahead of the next federal election:

“Canada’s democracy has never been more vulnerable to foreign interference. This was made clear through Justice Hogue’s Initial Report into foreign interference, which concluded that ‘interference occurred in the last two general elections’ and became so serious that it ‘diminished the ability of some voters to cast an informed vote.’ She also concluded that foreign interference had a negative impact on the ‘broader electoral ecosystem’ in the 2019 and 2021 general elections and that it undermined ‘public confidence’ in Canadian democracy.

“Canadians expect the Government of Canada to protect elections and democratic institutions from the coercive, clandestine and corrupt foreign interference threat activities of authoritarian states. However, time and time again, the Liberal Government has failed to put sufficient measures in place to protect both our democracy and Parliament. Finally, after years of delay, the Government has introduced Bill C-70, An Act respecting countering foreign interference. We must ensure this Bill is implemented before the next federal election.

“For this reason, Conservatives will work with the Government to ensure this Bill is passed as swiftly as possible. This is essential to restore the confidence that Canadians have in their elections. On top of this, Justice Hogue stated that the risk of foreign interference will only increase as long as ‘sufficient protective measures to guard against it’ are not taken.

“Common Sense Conservatives will work in good faith to ensure the rapid progress of Bill C-70 through the House while ensuring sufficient scrutiny of the bill’s measures. This is vital to ensuring that Canadians can head to the polls in confidence and free of intimidation of fear.” 

Justin Trudeau’s Spending Has Created Economic Misery For Canadians

Justin Trudeau’s Spending Has Created Economic Misery For Canadians

Ottawa, ON – After nine years of Justin Trudeau, life has never been so hard for Canadians. Unemployment and economic misery rise, while paycheques are shrinking. Trudeau’s inflationary spending has driven up the price of groceries, gas and heating. His endless tax hikes drive businesses, jobs and investments out of our country. 

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Liberals-NDP Coalition Block Investigation Into RCMP Charging Trudeau Consultants

Liberals-NDP Coalition Block Investigation Into RCMP Charging Trudeau Consultants

Ottawa, ON – After nine years of Justin Trudeau, Canadians are struggling. Unemployment is rising while Trudeau’s inflationary carbon tax is forcing families to pay $700 more for groceries this year than in 2023. Millions of Canadians are having to line up outside of food banks just to survive. But life for well-connected Liberal insiders and scamsters has never been so good.

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