Statement from Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre on Polish Constitution Day

Ottawa, ON – The Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official Opposition, released the following statement on Polish Constitution Day: 

“Today, Poles around the world mark the anniversary of Poland’s May 3 Constitution of 1791. As one of the first constitutions of its kind, this historic legislation sought to establish political equality between elites and the common people. Its adoption was an important milestone in the struggle for freedom and democracy. 

“Despite subsequent periods of turmoil and oppression throughout Poland’s history, the May 3 Constitution has remained a blazing symbol of the country’s resilience and independence. Even when its celebration was banned during the dark days of Nazi and Soviet occupation, the Polish people faithfully held to its promise of democracy, knowing that freedom would ultimately be restored in their nation.   

“Today, as the Polish people thrive in a free and vibrant democracy, the centuries-old Constitution is proudly celebrated as an indispensable part of their history and heritage. During the first Polish Heritage Month in Canada, the timeless principles of their Constitution continue to serve as a beacon of equality and freedom everywhere, reminding us all of our duty to defend democracy wherever it is threatened.”

Justin Trudeau’s Spending Has Created Economic Misery For Canadians

Justin Trudeau’s Spending Has Created Economic Misery For Canadians

Ottawa, ON – After nine years of Justin Trudeau, life has never been so hard for Canadians. Unemployment and economic misery rise, while paycheques are shrinking. Trudeau’s inflationary spending has driven up the price of groceries, gas and heating. His endless tax hikes drive businesses, jobs and investments out of our country. 

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Liberals-NDP Coalition Block Investigation Into RCMP Charging Trudeau Consultants

Liberals-NDP Coalition Block Investigation Into RCMP Charging Trudeau Consultants

Ottawa, ON – After nine years of Justin Trudeau, Canadians are struggling. Unemployment is rising while Trudeau’s inflationary carbon tax is forcing families to pay $700 more for groceries this year than in 2023. Millions of Canadians are having to line up outside of food banks just to survive. But life for well-connected Liberal insiders and scamsters has never been so good.

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