Statement from Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre on Korean War Veterans Day

Ottawa, ON — The Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official Opposition, released the following statement on Korean War Veterans Day: 

“Nowhere in the world are the blessings of liberty and the horrors of tyranny more starkly contrasted than in the Korean peninsula. For decades, the free people of South Korea have been separated from the oppressive regime of the North by a space only four kilometres wide. Today, as we mark 70 years since the end of the Korean War, the Demilitarized Zone continues to stand as a profound reminder that freedom isn’t free.  

“On Korean War Veterans Day, Canadians and people around the world remember the sacrifices that were made to keep South Korea independent. With deep gratitude, we honour the 26,791 Canadian veterans who served in the Korean War, 519 of whom made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve the values of liberty and democracy. Because of their courage, today, more than 50 million South Koreans are able to live in peace and security. 

“The Korean War remains one of the most destructive conflicts of the modern era. Taking place amidst the global unrest of the Cold War, it resulted in the deaths of millions of Koreans on both sides of the border and devastated the entire peninsula.  

“Today, as we remember this pain and division, we are grateful for the ways that South Korea has been empowered to grow and thrive in the past 70 years. We celebrate the Veterans who paved the way for South Korean culture and their economy to flourish, bringing hope and prosperity to people around the world. 

“As we reflect on their sacrifices, may their bravery continue to inspire each of us. May their legacy encourage us as we join with allies worldwide to fight for freedom and look with hope towards a future where human rights and the rule of law are restored for all Koreans.”

Justin Trudeau’s Spending Has Created Economic Misery For Canadians

Justin Trudeau’s Spending Has Created Economic Misery For Canadians

Ottawa, ON – After nine years of Justin Trudeau, life has never been so hard for Canadians. Unemployment and economic misery rise, while paycheques are shrinking. Trudeau’s inflationary spending has driven up the price of groceries, gas and heating. His endless tax hikes drive businesses, jobs and investments out of our country. 

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Liberals-NDP Coalition Block Investigation Into RCMP Charging Trudeau Consultants

Liberals-NDP Coalition Block Investigation Into RCMP Charging Trudeau Consultants

Ottawa, ON – After nine years of Justin Trudeau, Canadians are struggling. Unemployment is rising while Trudeau’s inflationary carbon tax is forcing families to pay $700 more for groceries this year than in 2023. Millions of Canadians are having to line up outside of food banks just to survive. But life for well-connected Liberal insiders and scamsters has never been so good.

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